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Quality Security Environment

At Artois Plastiques, we are convinced that quality, safety and respect for the environment are the foundations of a sustainable and successful company. That’s why we have put in place rigorous policies and innovative processes to guarantee excellence at every stage of production.

Outils de contrôle pour améliorer l'usinage piece plastique

Quality at the heart of our concerns

  • Tailor-made products: We work closely with our customers to design plastic solutions that are perfectly suited to their specific needs.
  • Rigorously selected raw materials: We give preference to reliable suppliers and ensure that our raw materials comply with current standards. This applies in particular to detectable food-grade and VMX plastics.
  • Rigorous quality control: From design to delivery, every stage of production is subject to strict quality controls to guarantee the excellence of our products.
  • ISO 9001 certification: Our ISO 9001-certified quality management system is proof of our commitment to providing products and services that meet our customers’ requirements and comply with current regulations.

Safety, an absolute priority

  • The health and safety of our employees: We make every effort to ensure a safe and healthy working environment for all our employees.
  • Personal protective equipment: We provide our employees with the necessary personal protective equipment.
  • Training and awareness-raising: We regularly organise training courses to raise our teams’ awareness of safety risks and best practice.
  • Accident prevention : We carry out regular risk analyses and implement corrective measures to prevent accidents.
  • Workstation ergonomics : To optimise the comfort and health of our employees, we called on the expertise of a firm specialising in ergonomics to design more suitable workstations. With new ergonomic equipment, we aim to prevent musculoskeletal disorders and improve quality of life at work.

Respect for the environment, a strong commitment

  • Reducing our ecological footprint: We are taking concrete steps to reduce our energy and water consumption, as well as our waste production.
  • Recycling: We recover as much of our waste as possible and encourage the recycling of our products at the end of their life.
  • Eco-designed products: We favour recyclable materials and optimise the design of our products to reduce their environmental impact.
  • Sustainable development: We are committed to sustainable development and invest in innovative projects to reduce our environmental impact.
  • ISO 14001 certification: Our ISO 14001-certified environmental management system demonstrates our commitment to controlling the environmental impact of our activities.

Continuous improvement

The continuous improvement tools implemented in our establishment:

5 S :

  • SEIRI – Clearing out: Eliminating what is useless in order to keep essential items at the workstation.
  • SEITON – Putting things away: Putting useful items away according to frequency of use and ease of handling. Make the locations obvious.
  • SEISO – Clean: Clean, inspect and detect anomalies.
  • SEIKETSU – Standardising: Establishing benchmarks (standard photo of the ideal state of the workstation).
  • SHITSUKE – Sustainability: Respect the rules that have been put in place and continually improve the standard (5S audit).

1 technical office project underway from September 2011 with APAF: Pôle d’Excellence Plasturgie.


We bring the technical team together on a weekly basis to discuss the potential problems they are facing, and also to share a convivial moment.


Lean Manufacturing is an integral part of our corporate culture. By actively involving our teams, we work together to eliminate the 7 wastes (overproduction, waiting, transport, defects, inventory, unnecessary movements and unnecessary processing). These actions enable us to continually improve our performance and respond better to our customers’ needs.


By choosing Artois Plastiques, you are choosing a partner committed to continuous improvement and sustainable development. Thanks to our ISO 9001 and 14001 certifications, you benefit from high-quality products and services, manufactured with respect for the environment and people.

A project?

Our technicians will be happy to answer your questions.

Contact us

*Informations to be completed

Z.A.L. rue du Mal.

B.P.2 62150 HOUDAIN

Tel : 03 21 62 61 61

Fax : 03 21 62 03 03

You can also contact us
by phone at 03 21 62 61 61